About Us

Serve With These Hands is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides resources, support, and care baskets/totes to grieving mothers immediately following baby loss at all stages of life. Each care basket is unique just as each loss is unique. No journey through grief is the same so we listen, love, and encourage grieving mommies in the midst of tragedy.

Why We Are Here

On November 9, 2015 at 7:09 pm our son Jeremiah Joe was born. He weighed 1 pd 3.2 ounces and was 13 inches long. He had joined Jesus days before we cast our eyes on him. I lost my baby and my uterus that day but I never lost God. I felt like I was in the boat with Jesus while the waves were crashing loudly around us. Heart breaking news would hit my ears and then I would cast my eyes back on Jesus and hear the truth. The pain of going through labor with a baby that is born quiet and still is heartbreaking. Together we can shine God's light into the darkness for these moms. Join me in collecting items, putting together gift baskets and delivering them.